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Judges Route: Mount Arrowsmith Trip Report

Mount Arrowsmith is hard to miss if you’re driving around on Vancouver Island. I can’t count the number of times I’ve driven north of Nanaimo, looked left up to his stony peaks and wondered when I was going to hike up there. I finally put time and opportunity together and made the trip September 1, 2014. We couldn’t see a thing at the top because of the fog but it was still a great hike. I will be back.

Here are some photos from the day. 

Starting the uphill

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All the way back down

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Some view peaking through

IMG_7098.jpg Roots eye view

Roots eye view

IMG_7102.jpg The last of our views

The last of our views

IMG_7117.jpg Some big rock

Some big rock

Dew on everything from the mist

Dew on everything from the mist

IMG_7139.jpg Louis making sure we get up safely

Louis making sure we get up safely

IMG_7148.jpg Waiting around

Waiting around

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Starting to see a bit of the summit

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Aero not happy with the wind

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Della keeping an eye on the trail

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Tired pup in the woods


Making sure our downhill technique is correct

Happy Louis

Happy Louis

Aero sensing we’re almost back to the car

Aero sensing we’re almost back to the car

IMG_7247.jpg Camo. Can you spot the dog?

Camo. Can you spot the dog?

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Judges trailhead at the end of the 4×4 road


The strangest picture of a bird. See it?



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