I love going for hikes. I love just wandering around in the bush aimlessly taking in the sights, smells, and sounds. Sometimes when I go for a hike though, I really feel like I need to get somewhere, to see something, to attain a goal. Trails with multiple goals along the way are perfect. You can do them in stages over multiple days or you simple get to multiple goals that day along the hike. Haslam Creek trail is one of those trails that has multiple spots that are destinations in themselves.
Directions to Haslam Creek Trail
Turn onto Timberlands Road across the highway from the Cassidy airport south of Nanaimo. Drive to the end of the road, you will go left around a sharp corner at the end. At the end you’ll hit a gate that should be open. Go through and into a big gravel pit. Drive straight through and take the road on the right. About 1k along this road you will see a blue sign and fence on the right hand side. This is the trail entrance. See the Google Map to Haslam Creek Trail for more info. The trail itself is well signed. Follow the blue signs on the trail posts and you’ll have no troubles staying on the trail.
Haslam Creek Suspension Bridge

Take the trail along the fence for about 1 km and you will see the suspension bridge. The sides are chain link and the bottom is a rough grate so it’s very safe. Dogs should fine fine walking along the metal, people who are afraid of heights might be a little uneasy in the middle though. After the bridge stay left on the main trail and you’ll hit a logging road. Head left along the logging road. After about 1km you’ll start going uphill on a smaller trail. This section can be very wet.The trail heads uphill for a while here and then back out onto logging road. Another km and you will be very close to Timberlands Lake.
Timberlands Lake

Take the small road on the left before the lake to go around to the near side or continue on around the right to get to the main open area on the lake. The sign posts will lead you to this open area. Unfortunately 4x4er’s like this location as well so there might be broken glass. This is a fantastic location to have lunch in the sun and explore the shoreline. The main opening on the far side will get the most sunshine especially in the afternoon.
White Pine Trail

Near the main area on the lake the road continues on and hooks up with the White Pine Trail. This section of the trail continues on North to Spruston road and eventually Nanaimo River.
Thanks for all the information! We’ve been planning on checking out the suspension bridge and the haslem trails for awhile now. We are finally going to get to it tomorrow, and I was interested in finding a bit more detail to know what to expect :)Thanks again!~Maggie
I’m glad you found it useful! If you have any other questions, just post them up here! Glad to help. I’d love to hear how your hike went after you go 🙂
[…] Hike in Nanaimo: Haslam Creek Trail Ross Most at home riding and running on the trails and mountains, Ross heads inside once in a while to stretch his mad coding skillz building websites like this one. Visit Authors Website | All Posts By Author Share Trails ammonite falls, benson, hike in nanaimo, hiking in nanaimo, Nanaimo Lakes, trails in nanaimo, waterfalls in nanaimo, witchcraft lake May 2010 Upcoming Races Outdoor Stores in Victoria, Vancouver Island […]
Thanks Ross, this looks like a good walk for us to do when we visit. Not too long, not too steep, and it has a lake and suspension bridge, win!We might have to hire a car to get there. Will a taxi take us to the main road there?
This ones a little ways out of town so it would be a fairly expensive cab ride. If you had a car it would be easy to get to though. It’s on the way up from Victoria if you’ll have a car to do that leg. I’ll see if I can find one similar but closer to town for you.
Great post Ross, this is indeed a lovely hike! Cheers.
Did you do it recently? How was it? I just noticed that all my photos are broken on this one. I’ll get that fixed up!
[…] There’s not much signage on the road for the Trans Canada Trail before the bridge. This section connects to the Haslam Creek Suspension Bridge trail. […]